New Released Allscanner Products

Good news for Allscanner products

Recently , Allscanner company launched some new models of diagnostic tools which can work for most famous brands vehicles , such as :  VW, AUDI, SKODA, SEAT Bentley and Lamborghini ,Land Rover & Jaguar and Ford / Mazda , please check the items as bellow :
1. A233 AllScanner VXDIAG VCX NANO for Land Rover & Jaguar
This item Instead of OEM tool of SPX VCM and i-VIEW , can support all protocols of Land rover and Jaguar till 2014  , including the diesel and gasoline cars .

2.  A350 AllScanner VXDIAG VCX NANO for Ford/Mazda IDS V95.03
This item is an OEM diagnostic interface for the vehicles of Ford and Mazda. It can be compatible with OEM software of Ford IDS and Mazda IDS , this device will never be locked in any new version of IDS .

3. A132-2 AllScanner VXDIAG VCX NANO for VW, AUDI, SKODA, SEAT Bentley and Lamborghini
This item Instead of OEM tool of VAS 5054A , it can support ODIS latest version . Compared with VAS5054A , it not only can work on windows XP system , but also can support WIN7,32 bits . The best advantage is that we offer this item in factory price but with strong function .

All these diagnostic interface is portable and easy to operating , all support multi-language . They all have a good market .

For more details of these products , please check on our Autonumen store .