What ecu programmer and adapter can read this (Opel Immo HC05) ?


What ecu programmer and adapter can read this (Opel Immo HC05) ?


Most basic micro programmers will read MC68HC05B6 (WD) mcu.


Orange5 tested and was success

with MC68HC05 adapter


UPA USB tested ok

PIN: 9 red,7 green,6 blue,5 Black,4 purple,3 orange,2 yellow, 1 brown

Cut in 2 point red


Xprog tested ok

MC68HC05B6/B8/B16/B32 (PLCC52)

Mask sets:

Oscillator: 16, 17 pin

EEPROM: 0x0101 – 0x01FF

Packages: PLCC52

CFG(EEPROM): 0x0100

MC68HC05B6/B8/B16/B32 (QFP64)

Mask sets:

Oscillator: 28, 29 pin

EEPROM: 0x0101 – 0x01FF

Packages: QFP64

CFG(EEPROM): 0x0100


CarProg read Opel HC05 PIN

(it’s Opel immobiliser 1996-1998)

NOTE: for HC05, HC08, HC11, HC12, you need an A10 adapter or just buy Carprog full kit with 21 adapters